Paroles de Rongonu Gayndè
Paroles de Rongonu Gayndè Par LEUZ DIWANE G
Tékki boot njaboota
Té yag né his only great dream
Tékki séen menottes
Sotti sugar si séen lifou niim
Ban sikkimam lakk lakkaalé yénéen yi ko tiim
Mu soob ci tchinam ndam sooralé jom
Foot tilim ask to him
Lose hope mËsta book ci yinuy lim
Stop him…not
Achieve his goal never love win
Nothing could stop the thing forward he always thinking
Be king never be a toad got a good up bringing
Li mu déf ba mériter lil doon junju soxla jangate
C’est quoi cette vie ku TËb ba dal ci da ngay toogaat
Saf sap wéx xatt tax ba rongon tuuru tooyal dËnnË
Lu nit di matt
Toog ni patt toxonu muuru ban ko génnË
Xolam la nu jam
Xéej bi daw ba xotti gettem
Faxxe buntam
Toog ni faax si digg etteum
Benne bett jooy terewul mbindéef doon jambar
Ci goor go dégg wooy li ko jur war ngéen ko listikhar
Ki taxoon muy figh Ki taxoon mu beg téki
Mu sessoon ci right ki taxoon messuta xaddi
His all his reason of being
His goal the one for whom he was struggling
Now he’s lying down on the floor
Wonder if he gonna live again tomorrow
Gayndé degg joyna
Jambaar degg sooy na
Lu la bétt men la gaan la dennu soldier tooy na
Sérieux la def second name
Guerrier du xef segge di jéém
Bootu boot root
Dékke xottu potam GOD
JËl nafsoom noot
Ni mott muslu séentu bossam jot
Téela jang kott ni patt ban ni ko wer fott
Everyday he was busy in the mind
What is to be done just to make the weather fine
Péxé war ko tijji cuz du vachette thiaabi lawbé la
Raké goor tigi béppe facette daw ba diawbé la
Téela understand ni budul moom du doon kénéén
Jokk weri ji lu gen
Dém bana toogée néen njarin fékée
Li nga yéené nit na si borom jot tem bu
Wécco amoon ca téewaaya may genel fuuf
Ndékéyoo laahu noopi na ca njelbéen
Li nuy namm ak li muy doon men na bana doon bénn
Fi muy jéggée la ko yootu tég si wétam
Kénn du xeccok moom mo nu boolé yilif ci kaw suuf
Ki taxoon muy fight ki taxoon mu beg téki
Mu sessoon ci right ki taxoon messuta xaddi
His all his reason of being
His goal the one for whom he was struggling
Now he’s lying down on the floor
Wonder if he gonna live again tomorrow
Gayndé degg joyna
Jambaar degg sooy na
Lu la bétt men la gaan la dennu soldier tooy na
Goomu xol bénn doctor du ko heal
Da nu keppe sa bool kén du comp li ngay feel
Kinda be lost alone in the sky
Xalaat ko mu gena worst oh dear Lord
Nightmare la nu soppo dreamam
Right there da nu saboter teamam
Ndiaxxaré di ko telli tellée cerr yi lompon
Fu nu ko messuta xaarée ci lenji jaragon
He drops tears from the heart means weakened in the brain
Fears oh my God living in a pain
Don’t know where to go he’s stumbling around
Up and down he’s losing the crown
Life bii safatu ko dara dara
Mu ngi dunde té dundatul safatu ko dara
Yàlla buur rekk xam li gen
Xey na li nu koy naan everyday genul ci nun
Ki taxoon muy fight ki taxoon mu beg téki
Mu sessoon ci right ki taxoon messuta xaddi
His all his reason of being
His goal the one for whom he was struggling
Now he’s lying down on the floor
Wonder if he gonna live again tomorrow
Gayndé degg joyna
Jambaar degg sooy na
Lu la bétt men la gaan la dennu soldier tooy na
Ki taxoon muy fight ki taxoon mu beg téki
Mu sessoon ci right ki taxoon messuta xaddi
His all his reason of being
His goal the one for whom he was struggling
Now he’s lying down on the floor
Wonder if he gonna live again tomorrow
A Propos de "Rongonu Gayndè"
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