Real Ones Lyrics
Real Ones Lyrics by BREEDER LW
No fuss and fight
Two wrongs never made it right
If you fck with me I'ma fck with you
If you are a real one put your lighters up
Tuziweke juu
We've been on the grind for a long time
Pesa on my mind I got no time
One time, two time
Real one put your lighters up
Tuziweke juu, Tuziweke juu
Tuziweke juu, Tuziweke juu
Tuziweke juu
We've been on the grind for a long time
Pesa on my mind I got no time
One time, two time
Real ones put your lighters up yeah
Mama said make hay when the sun shines ofcourse
Hesabu na scheme za ganji hubaki top notch
Kila ngware tuko toes wanna chase doh
Hata kwende aje hapa poverty is a no no
Ushaisaka na ukapata na ukadai kupata more
Ku go for the jagular hio ndo huwaga no
Success hainaga formula nilimake my own money
Ndugu zangu wakikubali ujue tuko on
Shughli gani na iko wapi saa ngapi, kwa nani?
Money moves only hizo zingine hatutaki
If I had a wish ningekuwa tajiri fulani
After wera jivinjari na machaji na maarif
Aminia na ujikaze na itakua
NIlipray kuwa star kile imebaki ni tour
All dreams are valid words never been truer
Utamake it ama ufall hio ni wewe kuamua
Steps are too high sichoki na siachi
Bidii ongeza focus kijana ashajihami
Circle pia ni solid day ones wako ndani
Ukishine watanuna ndo kazi ya warazi mmh
No fuss and fight
Two wrongs never made it right
If you fck with me I'ma fck with you
If you are a real one put your lighters up
Tuziweke juu
We've been on the grind for a long time
Pesa on my mind I got no time
One time, two time
Real ones put your lighters up
Tuziweke juu, Tuziweke juu
Tuziweke juu, Tuziweke juu
Tuziweke juu
We've been on the grind for a long time
Pesa on my mind I got no time
One time, two time
Real ones put your lighters up yeah
It's a celebration kila siku tuko high
Ni ile catapillar ilishageuka buttefly
Wakidai kukill vibe hatumind stay alive
Wakingoja uache we unaongeza psyche
Sijalala two nights I was on stage
Kuna time tulipandaga without pay
Na nishaikula haram nishai obtain
Ni hii rap ikafanya ni pursue change
Blessings on blessings nahesabu kila senti
Na manyoka niko rada yao ju ni wengi
Trust no man hadi bro atakutapeli
Hii life huwaga lesson na uko daro daily
Na ukijenga watabomoa, ukisota watajitoa
Ukiomba watakunyima na ukidedi kwa matanga watashow up
Make the right choice ukiblanda hutago back
Nishauikuwa fala but kwa sasa nisha grow up
Lens tofauti ndo nimevaa kwa hizi macho
TK 4 Life nishakula hadi kiapo
Follow mind yako usifuate bandwagon
Ka ulitoka nao chini hao ndo watu wako
No fuss and fight
Two wrongs never made it right
If you fck with me I'ma fck with you
If you are a real one put your lighters up
Tuziweke juu
We've been on the grind for a long time
Pesa on my mind I got no time
One time, two time
Real ones put your lighters up
Tuziweke juu, Tuziweke juu
Tuziweke juu, Tuziweke juu
Tuziweke juu
It's a celebration (Tuziweke juu)
My day ones wako ndani (Tuziweke juu)
Ikikubamba washa nare (Tuziweke juu)
Tuziweke juu
We've been on the grind for a long time
Pesa on my mind I got no time
One time, two time
Real ones put your lighters up
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More lyrics from Bazenga Mentality album
More BREEDER LW Lyrics
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