FIREBOY DML Shadé cover image

Paroles de Shadé

Shadé par Fireboy DML sur l'album "Apollo" sorti le 20 août 2020. &quo...

Paroles de Shadé Par FIREBOY DML

I don't wanna dance but tonight
You dey make me feel 
Like I might lose you
I don't wanna lose you

If you wanna fight you can fight
But you know I like what I like
Do you? I'm sure you do

It's in the way you move (Aha)
Or things you do (Aha)
I'm feeling you (Aha)
You feel it too (Aaah)

It's in the way you move (Aha)
Or things you do (Aha)
I'm feeling you (Aha)
You feel it too yeah

Ooh Shadé
E dey your body
You're killing me slowly 
Whine it for daddy oh oh

Ooh Shadé
E dey your body
You're killing me slowly 
Whine it for daddy oh oh

Bo se n jo yi, ginger
Bo se n jo yi, ginger
Bo se n jo yi, ginger
Bo se n jo yi, ginger

Bo se n jo yi, ginger
Bo se n jo yi, ginger
Bo se n jo yi, ginger
Bo se n jo yi, ginger

Omo the story long
You're the reason I wrote this song
If you go baby don't be long
Cause I'll miss you, oh my chale

What's going on?
E be you wey dey hold me down 
And e be you wey dey turn me on

It's in the way you move (Aha)
Or things you do (Aha)
I'm feeling you (Aha)
You feel it too (Aaah)

It's in the way you move (Aha)
Or things you do (Aha)
I'm feeling you (Aha)
You feel it too yeah

Ooh Shadé
E dey your body
You're killing me slowly 
Whine it for daddy oh oh

Ooh Shadé
E dey your body
You're killing me slowly 
Whine it for daddy oh oh

Bo se n jo yi, ginger
Bo se n jo yi, ginger
Bo se n jo yi, ginger
Bo se n jo yi, ginger

Bo se n jo yi, ginger
Bo se n jo yi, ginger
Bo se n jo yi, ginger
Bo se n jo yi, ginger

Ooh Shadé
E dey your body
You're killing me slowly 
Whine it for daddy oh oh

Ooh Shadé
E dey your body
You're killing me slowly 
Whine it for daddy oh oh

Bo se n jo yi, ginger
Bo se n jo yi, ginger
Bo se n jo yi, ginger
Bo se n jo yi, ginger

Bo se n jo yi, ginger
Bo se n jo yi, ginger
Bo se n jo yi, ginger
Bo se n jo yi, ginger


A Propos de "Shadé"

Album : Apollo (Album)
Année de Sortie : 2020
Copyright : © 2020 YBNL Nation / EMPIRE
Ajouté par : Huntyr Kelx
Published : Aug 20 , 2020

Plus de lyrics de l'album Apollo

Plus de Lyrics de FIREBOY DML


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