FIREBOY DML Sound cover image

Paroles de Sound

Paroles de Sound Par FIREBOY DML

Away away (Away away)
Away away

(Ri, Ri Ridimakulayo)

I just realised
When I come around
And when they play the sound
I just feel alive

I’m not just a singer wey dey give the ginger
I give you the vibe
The sound of the guitar sweet pass shitor
I no fit deny
And when you give me the rhythm and bass chai!

Away away
The sound is taking me far away
Again again
I’m feeling something inside of me

Away away (One more time)
The sound is taking me far away
I go crazy, I go crazy 

When I hear the sound
When I hear the sound
When I hear the sound
When I hear the sound

I don't want to die
I just want to dance to the riddim and bounce
Maybe one more time 
I just want the girls to dey dance and whine

As we shack palm wine again again
Can you feel the bounce
Oya mami go down to the down down down 
(To the down down down)
I dey see the ileke on your waist chaii

Away away
The sound is taking me far away
Again again
I’m feeling something inside of me

Away away (One more time)
The sound is taking me far away
I go crazy, I go crazy 

When I hear the sound
When I hear the sound
When I hear the sound
When I hear the sound

Away away
The sound is taking me far away
Again again
I’m feeling something inside of me
Away away (Away away)
I go crazy, I go crazy 
When I hear the sound


A Propos de "Sound"

Album : Apollo (Album)
Année de Sortie : 2020
Copyright : © 2020 YBNL Nation / EMPIRE
Ajouté par : Huntyr Kelx
Published : Aug 20 , 2020

Plus de lyrics de l'album Apollo

Plus de Lyrics de FIREBOY DML


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