FIREBOY DML Remember Me cover image

Paroles de Remember Me

Remember Me de FireBoy DML sur l'album "Apollo" sorti le 20 août 2020. "...

Paroles de Remember Me Par FIREBOY DML

Remember me..

(Ri Ridimakulayoo)

Of the mountains I have climbed
Traveled between space and time
Tell them my story 
My struggles and my glory

Don't leave anything behind 
(Remember me)
Tell them of the songs I sang (Ayee)
That i was not a lonely man (Aahh)

Tell them that I lived my life 
With kindness in my eyes 
And love inside my heart
And I hope they will 

Remember me
Tin ba ti lo (Ba ti lo)
Remember me
Ti n ba le soro mo

T'oba ti tan
Ti n ba ti lo
Remember me
(Remember me)

Remember me
Remember me

One day when it is your time
You will leave this world behind
All the things you said and did
Will be your legacy, oooh

For you see, life is like a song
It doesn't just go on and on
There is an end to everything
So as you dance and as you sing
Make the most of the melodies
And I hope they will

Remember you
To ba ti lo
Remember you
T'oo ba le soro mo

T'oba ti tan
To ba ti lo
Remember you
(Remember you)

Remember me
Remember me
Remember me

Remember me
Remember me!


A Propos de "Remember Me"

Album : Apollo (Album)
Année de Sortie : 2020
Copyright : © 2020 YBNL Nation / EMPIRE
Ajouté par : Huntyr Kelx
Published : Aug 20 , 2020

Plus de lyrics de l'album Apollo

Plus de Lyrics de FIREBOY DML


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