YADAH Onye Nwere Jesus  cover image

Paroles de Onye Nwere Jesus

Paroles de Onye Nwere Jesus Par YADAH

Joy and peace that the world cannot give
And hope for tomorrow
(Onye nwere Jesus nwere everything oh)
Joy and peace that the world cannot give
And hope for tomorrow
(Onye nwere Jesus nwere everything oh)
Onwere everyhring oh
Onwere everyhring oh oh oh
(Onye nwere Jesus nwere everything oh)
Onwere everyhring oh, everyhring oh
(Onye nwere Jesus nwere everything oh)

He takes your sins away
He makes you new and free
He gives you peace and joy (peace and joy oh)
Those who believe in Jesus
They have eternal life
No more fear, too much assurance
Too too too too much assurance
What will it profit a man to gain the world and lose his soul
But those who have Jesus
They will not perish
They will not perish
In Jesus you have too much assurance
Too too too much assurance
Too too too much assurance
Too much assurance oh

Onwere everyhring oh
Onwere everyhring oh
(Onye nwere Jesus nwere everything oh)
Onwere everyhring oh
Onwere everyhring oh
Onwere everyhring oh
(Onye nwere Jesus nwere everything oh)

(Onye nwere Jesus nwere everything oh)

Joy and peace that the world cannot give
And hope for tomorrow
(Onye nwere Jesus nwere everything oh)
Joy and peace that the world cannot give
And hope for tomorrow
(Onye nwere Jesus nwere everything oh)
Onwere everyhring oh
Onwere everyhring oh oh oh
Onye nwere Jesus nwere everything oh


A Propos de "Onye Nwere Jesus "

Album : Onye Nwere Jesus (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2022
Ajouté par : Farida
Published : Nov 11 , 2022

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