Paroles de God Only Knows
God Only Knows de Fireboy DML sur l'album "Apollo" sorti le 20 août 2020. &qu...
Paroles de God Only Knows Par FIREBOY DML
For a while I've been thinking
Why did I ever push you away
My eyes to the ceiling
Praying to God to bring you my way
What the hell was i thinking
I don't think i was thinking
It's all messed up inside of my head
It's all messed up inside of my head
God only knows
If I'll ever see you again
God only knows
If you still know my name
God only knows
Heaven only knows
God only knows
If I'll ever see you again
God only knows
If you could just give me one more chance
I promise I'll be a better man
Girl i know say i don fall your hand
Many times but you still understand
For my mind, for my mind
I been think say I get time
All messed up inside of my head
It's all messed up inside of my head
God only knows
If I'll ever see you again
God only knows
If you still know my name
God only knows
Heaven only knows
God only knows
If I'll ever see you again
God only knows (God only knows)
God only knows
If I'll ever see you again
God only knows
Heaven only knows
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