Paroles de Music
Paroles de Music Par BARNABA
My wife she is so beautiful
My wife she look marvelous
For everything what am doing
Yeah yeah yeah
For example you give me some beautiful car
My account I got some billions
Dream came true I'm a star
People love my music
So this is the music
This is the music
Even club with the music
Club with some music
I was born in the music, music
My mama love my music
My daddy love my music
Just the music, feel the music
Dance baba na gode
You solve my problems everyday
Dance baba na gode
You bless me each and everyday
My career, so this is my career yeah
My career, so respect my career yeah
Tuwaandike -- Shimo --
Me career yeah yeah, my career
Me career yeah yeah, my career
For example you give me some beautiful car
My account I got some billions
Dream came true I'm a star
People love my music
So this is the music
This is the music
Even club with the music
Club with some music
I was born in the music, music
My mama love my music
My daddy love my music
Just the music, feel the music
I'm a classic boy
I win everyday
If you don't love me now
So don't love me later
(Kwa Mix Lizer)
A Propos de "Music"
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