Afande Lyrics
Afande Lyrics by BOBI WINE
Why beat me?
There is no difference between me and you!
Why kick me?
Yet I have no problem with you
Before you became a soldier/police officer
You were an ordinary citizen
Before you hurt me, listen to my cry
The problems I am passing through
Are the same you are passing through
I'm fighting for you and for me
So that my children and your children
Get good education and have a bright future
So that my wife and your wife
Can give birth successfully
And get proper medical care
Nze gwotulugunya otyo
Ndi Muganda wo
Bino byenkola
Biyamba gwe nabantu bo
Afande sipigani nawe nakupigania
Sipigani nawe lakini nakupigania
Afande, I am not fighting with you
I am fighting for you
Afande sipigani nawe nakupigania
Sipigani nawe lakini nakupigania
The opression I am facing
Is s the same opression you are facing
Why do you really want to keep your people down?
Whatever you do today
There will be a time of reckoning
Whatever you sow, that you will reap
Many have been there like you are today
If you avoid their mistakes
You will be well advised
Afande sipigani nawe nakupigania
Sipigani nawe lakini nakupigania
Afande, I am not fighting with you
I am fighting for you
Afande sipigani nawe nakupigania
Sipigani nawe lakini nakupigania
Afande napigania maisha yako
Kwa sababu unapata mshahara kidogo
Unafanya na bidii unaishi kama maskini
Hata ukialika ni mamaingi ya pole
Even if you do these things under instructions
You're a human being
Whatever, situations oppress us
Oppress you too
You reside in terrible accommodation
Your income is too low
Your people are badly off
When I talk about these things
You torture me, but what for?
Afande sipigani nawe nakupigania
Sipigani nawe lakini nakupigania
Afande, I am not fighting with you
I am fighting for you
Afande sipigani nawe nakupigania
Sipigani nawe lakini nakupigania
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