English Translation For Six Millions Ya Ba Soucis by PAPA WEMBA

You put my ears under embargo of your "I love you"
And you let my skin recreate alone your caresses
My heart can not anymore,
My sadness has gone back to my eyes
And my tears flowed
If you do not come back, I'm lost
I find myself alone in my room
Against six million worries
This fight is really very hard
Will I be able to even make a shot?
Since it's not possible darling,
You already know my fate at the end of this fight
Why are you hanging out?
Come to my rescue
I called you on the phone times
And you did not want to call me
More unread messages
You have not even deigned to read a single
My "I love you" in your heart have been erased
Like the traces of the boat on the water
Deceived by the drunkenness of your love
I plunged into a pool without water
On my hospital bed, I pray to God
To see you one last time
On the other hand, if you know that you will not come
Already buy a wreath for my grave
I asked you for the love of the chick,
Because even when he grows up he stays in the plot
But you preferred to give me the love of the fledgling,
Now that he's grown up, here he is flying
I made all the nests in search of a feather of your love
My Love, I asked you for love But you preferred to give me regrets
My heart became a garbage can because of garbage
What did I do to deserve such a spell?
You alone holds the secret of my health
Why did you become invisible?
If you draw me, especially do not make me fat
I only have skin on my bones
Prisoner of my worries
I'd rather be shot than suffer the pain of love
With what you make me suffer
even Ndata Nsangu * would accept the divorce
I broke the record in heartache and received a gold scare
If you come back, I assure you that I will find peace
Nathalie Makoma
This story is very sad and surprising
We had been asked for a glass of water
And we offered them a can
Have we done wrong?
GO ...
Make us enjoy
You agreed to take the penalty of my death
Intention to miss and shoot next
But look at me at the post my tears flooded the lawn
Paralyzed by my sadness, please do not mark
I carry a heavy burden and I do not even know why
Our love has spoiled
Explain me why
If that's not what you think,
where did this enchantment come from?
Let's go to the pastors to be delivered
The eyes have no wealth
But find ways to pay their sleep debts
And so why your heart that has the means to love me
Is he running away from me?
I'm nothing
You alone holds the secret of my health
Why did you disappear?
If you draw me especially, do not make me fat
I only have skin on my bones
Prisoner of my worries
I'd rather be shot than suffer the pain of love
With what you make me suffer
even Ndata Nsangu * would divorce
I broke the record in heartache and received a gold scare
If you come back, I assure you that I will find peace
My ears are embargoed by your "I love you"
And you let my skin recreate alone your caresses
My heart can not anymore,
he transmitted my sadness to my eyes
And my tears flowed
If you do not come back, I'm lost
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