NAVY KENZO Good Time cover image

Paroles de Good Time

Paroles de Good Time Par NAVY KENZO

We will turn up today
We will turn up tommorrow
You can come out to play
And then forget your sorrows

Everyday living life 
Like there is no tomorrow
Lemme show you how
I take a first step 
And then you follow

Baby pull it down, uzembe o 
Go down low, uzembe o
Pull it down, uzembe o
Go down low, uzembe o
(Echi echi echichichi)

Baby pull it down, uzembe o
Go down low, uzembe o
Pull it down, uzembe o
Go down low, uzembe o
(Echi echi echichichi)

Would you like the simple things in life
If its the dance like sixty now
So make I show you something, way I go dey do
Wey go make you start to praise o

I want to move, I want to do the dance
I like your moves, I like how you get down
Make we do the something way we go dey do
Wey go make you burst your brain o

We will turn up today
We will turn up tommorrow
You can come out to play
And then forget your sorrows

Everyday living life 
Like there is no tomorrow
Lemme show you how
I take a first step 
And then you follow

Baby pull it down, uzembe o 
Go down low, uzembe o
Pull it down, uzembe o
Go down low, uzembe o
(Echi echi echichichi)

Baby pull it down, uzembe o
Go down low, uzembe o
Pull it down, uzembe o
Go down low, uzembe o
(Echi echi echichichi)

Call me another time
Oh mama having a good time
We don't care about the hater
My baby I can forget yah

Is your body over new generation
When you whine it girl you give me underation
So we turn up turn up
To the summer summer eeh

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We will turn up today
We will turn up tommorrow
You can come out to play
And then forget your sorrows

Everyday living life 
Like there is no tomorrow
Lemme show you how
I take a first step 
And then you follow

Baby pull it down, uzembe o 
Go down low, uzembe o
Pull it down, uzembe o
Go down low, uzembe o
(Echi echi echichichi)

Baby pull it down, uzembe o
Go down low, uzembe o
Pull it down, uzembe o
Go down low, uzembe o
(Echi echi echichichi)

I do my gaga, I do my whine o
Everything I hear
We a here down low

Eraba tata, I do my whine o
Everyfine ma show me way
And me I go

Run it up, run it up
Doer for mat done
Run it up, run it up
Doer for mat done

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A Propos de "Good Time"

Album : Story of The African Mob (Album)
Année de Sortie : 2020
Copyright : (c) 2020 The Industry Studios.
Ajouté par : Huntyr Kelx
Published : Sep 06 , 2020

Plus de lyrics de l'album Story of The African Mob

Plus de Lyrics de NAVY KENZO


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