KOREDE BELLO Hey Baybe cover image

Paroles de Hey Baybe

Paroles de Hey Baybe Par KOREDE BELLO

Hey baybe 
All the stars are out tonight 
But baybe you 
You shine the brightest
Hey baybe, you look so beautiful tonight 
My lady you 
You shine the brightest 

And you shine so bright 
The sun don dey jealousy, jealousy
So bright, the moon fades away 

Pretty pretty 
That's my baybe 
That's my lady 
Come and see my woman 
Nwayi mara mma Nwayi mara mma o 

Pretty pretty 
That's my baybe 
Sexy sisi 
Come and see my woman 
Nwayi mara mma Nwayi mara mma o 

My bebe, I wanna let you know 
My bebe, I no go let you go o 
My bebe, my beautiful woman  

Oni temi , I don see a lot of girls 
But baybe you, 
You smile the brightest 
As e dey go as e dey go
I go dey love you love you love you
You like a rose 
And you smell the nicest 

You shine so bright 
The sun don dey jealousy, jealousy
So bright, the moon fades away 

So beautiful 

Pretty pretty lady 
That's my baybe 
That's my love 
Come and see my woman 
Nwayi mara mma Nwayi mara mma o 

Pretty pretty 
That's my baybe 
That's my lady o 
Come and see my woman 
Nwayi mara mma Nwayi mara mma o 

My bebe, the best thing o 
My bebe, the besty gan gan 
My bebe, interesting o
My bebe, interesting gan gan 
I wanna invest in you 
I wanna investy gan gan 
Cos my bebe the best thing o 
You are , you're my besty oh oh 

My bebe 
My bebe 
My bebe the best thing oh oh


A Propos de "Hey Baybe"

Album : Table For Two (EP) (EP)
Année de Sortie : 2020
Copyright : (c) 2020 Marvins Records.
Ajouté par : Huntyr Kelx
Published : Jul 25 , 2020

Plus de lyrics de l'album Table for Two (EP)

Plus de Lyrics de KOREDE BELLO


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