JUDIKAY Your Grace cover image

Paroles de Your Grace

Paroles de Your Grace Par JUDIKAY

Your mercies endures forever
Your mercies are new every morning
You are so gracious, so kind, so full of love
 Your tender mercies are rich towards me
Your mercies endures forever
Your mercies are new every morning
You are so gracious, so kind, so full of love
 Your tender mercies are rich towards me

Your grace overwhelms me
Your love overwhelms me
Who am I without your grace
Your grace overwhelms me
Your love overwhelms me
Who am I without your grace
Your grace overwhelms me
Your love overwhelms me
Who am I without your grace
Your grace overwhelms me
Your love overwhelms me
Who am I without your grace
Thank you for your grace
Thank you for your grace
Thank you for your grace

What greater love than this
That a man should lay down his life for me
For a debt he did not owe eh yah ah
Look what your blood had done
I am no longer the same
Now I stand boldly, righteous, completely forgiven
Darling darling Jesus I am nothing without your grace
Nothing without your grace
You are so gracious, so kind, so full of love
Your tender mercies are rich towards me

Your grace overwhelms me
Your love overwhelms me
Who am I without your grace
Your grace overwhelms me
Your love overwhelms me
Who am I without your grace
Your grace overwhelms me
Your love overwhelms me
Who am I without your grace
Your grace overwhelms me
Your love overwhelms me
Who am I without your grace
I’m nothing without your grace
I’m nothing without your grace
I’m nothing without your grace
I’m nothing without your grace
I’m nothing without your grace
I’m nothing without your grace
I’m nothing without your grace
I’m nothing without your grace
I’m nothing without your grace
I’m nothing without your grace
I’m nothing without your grace
I’m nothing without your grace
I’m nothing without your grace
I’m nothing without your grace
I’m nothing without your grace
I’m nothing without your grace
Everything by your grace
Everything by your grace
Forgiven by your grace (Everything by your grace)
Loved by your grace (Everything by your grace)
Secured by your grace (Everything by your grace)
Transformed by your grace (Everything by your grace)
Renewed by your grace (Everything by your grace)
Saved by your grace (Everything by your grace)
Sealed by your grace (Everything by your grace)
Restored by your grace (Everything by your grace)
Redeemed by your grace (Everything by your grace)
I am everything (Everything by your grace)
I am everything Jesus (Everything by your grace)
Everything by your grace
Clothed by your grace (Everything by your grace)
Righteous by your grace (Everything by your grace)

You are so gracious, so kind, so full of love
Your tender mercies are rich towards me
Your grace overwhelms me
Your love overwhelms me
Who am I without your grace


A Propos de "Your Grace"

Album : Your Grace (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2021
Ajouté par : Farida
Published : Oct 26 , 2021

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