
Paroles de Jesus Par JUDIKAY


The living one in your life

There is light

Jesus the son of God

In your life there is light


You are the light in the darkness

Hope where there is no hope

Your name is healing to my soul


You are the light to my darkness

Hope where there is no hope

Your name is healing to my soul

Your name is healing

Your name is life

Your name is fire

Your name is power

Hope where there is no hope

Your name is healing to my soul


You are the light in the darkness

Hope where there is no hope

Your name is healing to my soul

You are strength in my weakness

You are life in this deadness

Hope where there is no hope

Your name is healing to my bones

You are the cup and the oil

Like ointment poured forth

Like ointment poured forth

Hope where there is no hope

Your name is healing to my bones


You are the light in the darkness

Hope where there is no hope

Your name is healing to my bones

Perfect sacrifice

Mediator of the new covenant

Precious Lamb of God

Hope where there is no hope

Your name is healing to my soul


A Propos de "Jesus"

Album : (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2024
Copyright :
Ajouté par : Farida
Published : Nov 14 , 2024

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