Paroles de Hello
Paroles de Hello Par GUCHI
Hello baby, what's your name?
Can I have your number eh?
Answer me pretty lady
Talk to me can I have your number eh?
She say shey you no dey look face oh
Me I no get your time oh
I don't deal with guys like you eh ai
She say when you get the money oh
Then you can come and talk to me
I only deal with pounds and dollars eh ai eh!
Oya take it, jeje si jeje je
Oya take it, jeje oya take it
Jeje oya take it, jeje si jeje je
Oya take it, oh ta ta ta
Boy you say, ogra oshe opo
She dey danga danga just dey post
Fake life is just a post
But for real she no get clothes!
She say if she die today
She no go die for nothing
She want enjoy life
She no dey fine for nothing
I no get time oh, I want live life oh
I go dey vex, when I no fit sale!
Shey you no dey look face oh
Me I no get your time oh
I don't deal with guys like you eh ai
She say when you get the money oh
Then you can come and talk to me
I only deal with pounds and dollars eh ai eh
Oya take it, jeje si jeje je
Oya take it, jeje oya take it
Jeje oya take it, jeje si jeje je
Oya take it, oh ta ta ta
Oloju cocoro, oloju cocoro
Take your time, take your time
Oloju cocoro, oloju cocoro
E ye oh e ye oh
A Propos de "Hello"
Plus de lyrics de l'album I Am Guchi (EP)
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