A- REECE  HIBACHI cover image

Paroles de HIBACHI

Paroles de HIBACHI Par A- REECE

Yo, my shit don't fit the same, I'm gainin' body weight
'Cause I was on a beef diet, turnin' rappers to Hibachi steak
Diagnosis of a pyro
Set the hydro on fire, smoke it up as I commemorate
The legends livin' in the sky, nigga
Legends never die

After reigning as the king you evaporate (Facts)
That's a fact not a forecast, nigga
I got the kind of drive impossible to format, nigga
Feeling like Neo inside the loading program, nigga
Was living like a normad without a road map, sleeping on floor mats

Remember it was six niggas inside that one flat
And if you wasn't there you wouldn't know that, nigga
Yeah I finally made it out when they thought it would never happen, uh
I don't take losses, I take affirmative action, uh

I am not a human, don't classify me a mammal
When I, enter the booth I'm synonymous to a dragon, uh
Lo' and behold, no need to further elaborate
All that noise you makin' I'm here to further eradicate

Long-awaited, stories of the unknown
False prophets get exposed, bones get excavated, yeah (Nigga)
False prophets get exposed, bones get excavated, uh


A Propos de "HIBACHI"

Album : Today’s Tragedy, Tomorrow’s Memory: The Mixtape (Album)
Année de Sortie : 2021
Copyright : (c) 2021
Ajouté par : Huntyr Kelx
Published : Mar 31 , 2021

Plus de lyrics de l'album Today's Tragedy, Tomorrow's Memory: the mixtape

Plus de Lyrics de A- REECE


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