A- REECE  Jimmy's Interlude cover image

Paroles de Jimmy's Interlude

Paroles de Jimmy's Interlude Par A- REECE

Yeah, this one goes to the niggas we lost
We promised to see you and haven't
They say you don't know what you got till it's gone
I promise to cherish your presence
Got me here counting my blessings

Niggas locked up but they're innocent
They in that bitch forever
I'm young, I'm just trying to get rich forever
Yeah, forever I'm trying to get rich forever
The richer you get, the better
Trying to get rich forever

Yeah, this one goes to the niggas we lost
We promised to see you and haven't
They say you don't know what you got till it's gone
I promise to cherish your presence
Got me here counting my blessings
Niggas locked up but they're innocent

They in that bitch forever
I'm young, I'm just trying to get rich forever
Yeah, forever I'm trying to get rich forever
The richer you get, the better
Trying to get rich forever
Getting my shit together
I'm young, I'm just trying to get rich forever

Yeah, this one goes to the niggas we lost
We promised to see you and haven't
They say you don't know what you got till it's gone
I promise to cherish your presence
Got me here counting my blessings
Niggas locked up but they're innocent

They in that bitch forever
I'm young, I'm just trying to get rich forever
Yeah, forever I'm trying to get rich forever
The richer you get, the better
Trying to get rich forever
Getting my shit together
I'm young, I'm just trying to get rich forever

Yeah, this one right here, yeah
This one right here is for the niggas who died for me
Who ain't got nothing to hide from me
Last thing I want is niggas I grew up with surprising me
Showing me a side I've never seen before
Pick a side 'cause ain't no going back in time when we're at war
I can hear you talking, wait

I'ma let you carry on, feel like Yeezy at the VMA awards
They keep telling me that we ain't fucking with your albums anymore
But when I pull from these songs
The people scream like Drew Barymore
I guess nobody wants to hear truth anymore

I guess that type of shit don't make the news anymore
Breaking news, here we are
Paying dues, pray to God we make it through
Conquer every obstacle
They say nothing lasts forever
But these records probably do, yeah
But these records probably do, yeah


A Propos de "Jimmy's Interlude"

Album : Today’s Tragedy, Tomorrow’s Memory: The Mixtape (Album)
Année de Sortie : 2021
Copyright : (c) 2021
Ajouté par : Huntyr Kelx
Published : Mar 31 , 2021

Plus de lyrics de l'album Today's Tragedy, Tomorrow's Memory: the mixtape

Plus de Lyrics de A- REECE


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