DR TUMI I Am Free cover image

Paroles de I Am Free

Paroles de I Am Free Par DR TUMI

Say am free, free! I am free
Traded shackles for my Saviours Joy
I’m free to lift my hands and worship Christ
I Am free, I Am free

Say free, free, I Am free
Sin and death no longer holds me back
Am free to live a life that honors Him
I am free, I am free

I am no longer a slave to sin
Jesus has paid the price paid it in full
Been washed and now I am clean
I am free, I am free

I am no longer a slave to sin
Jesus has paid the price paid it in full
Been washed and now I am clean
I am free, I am free

Free, I am free
Jesus left his throne to wear a crown of thorns
Took my place so that I’d have his life
I am free, I am free

I am no longer a slave to sin
Jesus has paid the price paid it in full
Been washed and now I am clean
I am free, I am free

I am no longer a slave to sin
Jesus has paid the price paid it in full
Been washed and now I am clean
I am free, I am free

I am no longer a slave to sin
Jesus has paid the price paid it in full
Been washed and now I am clean
I am free, I am free

I am no longer a slave to sin
Jesus has paid the price paid it in full
Been washed and now I am clean
I am free, I am free

I am free, I am free
I am free, I am free
I am free, I am free
I am free, I am free

(Say I’m no longer)
I am no longer a slave to sin
Jesus has paid the price, paid it in full
Been washed me and now I am clean
I am free, I am free

(Say I’m no longer)
I am no longer a slave to sin
Jesus has paid the price, paid it in full
Been washed and now I am clean
I am free, I am free

(I am no longer)
I am no longer a slave to sin
Jesus has paid the price, paid it in full
Been washed and now I am clean
I am free, I am free


A Propos de "I Am Free"

Album : I Am Free (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2021
Ajouté par : Farida
Published : Mar 06 , 2021

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