DR TUMI Only You cover image

Paroles de Only You

Paroles de Only You Par DR TUMI

Only you are God, only you are God
Our hearts are open in surrender
We bring honour to the king
Down on our knees, hands are lifted
We lay our crowns at your feet
You alone are God
You have strength to save

Only You only
You, You can calm the storm
‘Cause the sun to shine
Only you, yes only you
Only you, lord
It’s only you, oh God
Only you, only you, oh God
Only you, oh

l am leaning casting all cares
Cannot do this on my own
A gentle whisper To my Saviour
Make a way, I need you now
Who else can I cal
Who has strength to save

Only you, Only you
Who can calm the storm
Cause the sun to shine
Only you, yes only you

You’re almighty
You can do all things yes you can
You can move mountains
Nothing’s impossible for you
You walked on water
Conquered death conquered the grave
Only you, yes only you

You’re so much bigger
Than all troubles that may come
You never lose no
You are always in control
I am a victor
Cause my hope is set in you, only you
My hope is set in you

Who else can I call
Who has strength to save
Only you, only you
Who can calm the storm
Cause the sun to shine
Only you, yes Only you

You are almighty
You can do all things yes you can
You can move mountains
Nothings impossible for you
You Walked on water
Conquered death conquered the grave

Only you, yes only you
You’re so much bigger
Than all troubles that may come
You never lose no

You are always in control
I am a victor
‘Cause my hope is set in you
Only you, my hope is set in you
Only you


A Propos de "Only You"

Album : The Great Shepherd (Album)
Année de Sortie : 2021
Copyright : (c) 2021
Ajouté par : Huntyr Kelx
Published : Mar 28 , 2021

Plus de lyrics de l'album The Great Shepherd

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