Signs Lyrics
Signs Lyrics by ROWLENE
I'm wide open but still folding
I'm sure you're different to them others you got pure intentions
My hope’s in but I'm closing
The door that led me here I just can't follow your direction
The GPS ain't working at it's best
Ooh what l'm trying to do is trying to get me into your bed
Don't hold your breath I won't be your hot mess
I won’t be just another girl that you’ll be adding to your list
My heart told me baby no please be cautious
We've been through this before you know we both exhausted
Don’t let your guard down girl you know we can't afford it
But if the signs are there you know you gotta reboot it
He'll tell you everything you wanna hear he flawless
His true agenda is his only purpose
He tried to hide it but it made it to the surface
Girl all the signs are telling us that he ain’t worth it
When you tell me that you need me
But your actions and your words don't matter
Why don't you release me
Like I'm your property
No this ain't monopoly
I won't let you treat me like I'm another face in your
The GPS ain't working at it's best
Ooh what l'm trying to do is trying to get me into your bed
Don't hold your breath I won't be your hot mess
I won't be just another girl that you'll be adding to your list
My heart told me baby no please be cautious
We've been through this before you know we both exhausted
Don't let your guard down girl you know we can't afford it
But if the signs are there you know you gotta reboot it
He'll tell you everything you wanna hear he flawless
His true agenda is his only purpose
He tried to hide it but it made it to the surface
Girl all the signs are telling us that he ain't worth it
Your GPS your GPS ain't working at it's best best
Ooh what l'm trying to do is trying to get me into your bed
Don't hold your breath I won't be just another girl
I'm wide open but still folding
I'm sure you're different to them others you got pure intention
My hope's in but I'm folding yeah
I just can't follow your direction
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