Just Because We Fight Lyrics
Just Because We Fight Lyrics by TETU SHANI
Under the lights
I'm feeling so cold
I've not held your body in what feels like so long
Just because we fight it doesn't mean we're broken
I know you were right
And I was so wrong
But I get so defensive when I feel that you're gone
Just because we fight it doesn't mean we're broken
It's true it's true now
I was a fool now
For ever thinking
I can do anything without you
I was so mad
Was blind and deaf
I couldn't understand now
That just because we fight doesn't mean we're broken
Under the lights
I'm feeling so cold
I've not held your body in what feels like so long
Just because we fight it doesn't mean we're broken
I know you were right
And I was so wrong
But I get so defensive when I feel that you're gone
Just because we fight it doesn't mean we're broken
Another cycle
Here we go again
And for that pride
Let it slide
And let's try this again
Cuz just because we fight it doesn't mean we're broken
I know that you've been hurt before
I promise that you will hurt no more
Under the lights
I'm feeling so cold
I've not held your body in what feels like so long
Just because we fight it doesn't mean we're broken
I know you were right
And I was so wrong
But I get so defensive when I feel that you're gone
Just because we fight it doesn't mean we're broken
Just because we fight it doesn't mean we're broken
Just because we fight it doesn't mean we're broken
Just because we fight it doesn't mean we're broken
Just because we fight it doesn't mean we're broken
Just because we fight it doesn't mean we're broken
Just because we fight it doesn't mean we're broken
Just because we fight it doesn't mean we're broken
That's the one
That's the one
That's the one
That's the one
That's the one
That's the one
That's the one
That's the one
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About Just Because We Fight
More lyrics from Just Because We Fight Doesn't Mean We're Broken (JBWFDMWB) - EP album
More TETU SHANI Lyrics
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