Angel Lyrics
Angel Lyrics by RIC HASSANI
Time stands still when I'm with you
I feel love when I'm with you
And the feeling is true
I find peace when I'm with you
I'm at peace when I'm with you
And it's only with you
Girl for this moment
So long I've waited
God made me patient
And you are worth it
I'm addicted and I love it
And I'll be honest
I'm not the strongest
But I'll fight for you
There'll never be a moment in time that I don't think about you
Coz I'm incomplete without you
Waited so long to find you
I might lose sleep tonight coz finally my dream has come true
I was created for you
You are my angel
A nadie tengo que buscar porque aquí estás tú
Estaba en la oscuridad y me trajiste la luz
Yo no estoy pa party ni pa revolu
Mejor me quedo en casa y cada fin de semana te hago un nuevo menú
Tengo un amigo pa tu amiga
Si quieres, ven tráela
Pa que ella vea cómo es que en PR se baila
Tu llegaste con ese flow y me enamoraste
Con mis sentimientos te quedaste
Y no, no te voy a soltar bebe,
Vamos pa dos chamaquitos y de aquí no hay break
Como Angelina y brad quizás tenemos 6, yeah
Amantes, no necesito nada más
Que tan sólo con besarte
La vida se me va
There'll never be a moment in time that I won't think about you
Coz I'm incomplete without you
Waited so long to find you
I might lose sleep tonight coz finally my dream has come true
I was created for you
You are my Angel
There'll never be a moment in time that I won't think about you
Coz I'm incomplete without you
Waited so long to find you
I might lose sleep tonight coz finally my dream has come true
I was created for you
You are my Angel
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More lyrics from The Prince I Became album
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