NASTY C Lose Some Win Some cover image

Lose Some Win Some Lyrics

Lose Some Win Some Lyrics by NASTY C

The hell is you saying? 
The hell is you saying?
The hell is you saying? 
The fuck is you saying Uh

The hell is you saying
This shit in my vein, you dig? (You dig?)
There's so much to lose 
And so much to gain, you dig? (You dig?)

I'm chasing the hunger
I'm back in the rain, you hear me? (You hear me?)
I'm battered and broken and numb 
To the pain, you hear me? (You hear me?)

How can I stop until we're all in a Range
You hear me? (You hear me?)
I cannot stop until we're all 
Getting paid, and (And)
Everybody got their own shit (Own shit)
And they stop calling me 
'cause they want shit (Want shit)

Every time I reach for my cutlery
Take my eye off the cake for a second
They cut a piece
If I talk about it
Say I'm greedy they come for me

Forcing me to comfort people 
That never comfort me
Niggas don't wanna work
Niggas is scared to fail

They'd rather follow a nigga 
Blind then be a tail
Waving from side to side
See me when shit is well

Leave me when shit is Hell
Leave it to me to dwell
Dangers of being a king
You get the biggest shoulders

Nobody listens to you
They just wanna take your orders
You be the sharpest and they 
Just use you to cut their corners

I want them to win though
It'll mean more to me, sort of
You know I've got love for my niggas
On me, I'll kill for 'em

I know that they don't 
Depend on nobody to build for 'em
We done cut some homies off
We had to be real for 'em
But they know we're still here for 'em (Damn)

The hell is you saying
This shit in my vein, you dig? (You dig?)
There's so much to lose 
And so much to gain, you dig? (You dig?)

I'm chasing the hunger
I'm back in the rain, you hear me? (You hear me?)
I'm battered and broken and numb 
To the pain, you hear me? (You hear me?)

How can I stop until we're all in a Range
You hear me? (You hear me?)
I cannot stop until we're all 
Getting paid, and (And)
Everybody got their own shit (Own shit)
And they stop calling me 
'cause they want shit (Want shit)

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About Lose Some Win Some

Album : Zulu Man With Some Power (Album)
Release Year : 2020
Copyright : (c) 2020
Added By : Huntyr Kelx
Published : Aug 27 , 2020

More lyrics from Zulu Man With Some Power album

More NASTY C Lyrics


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