Lord You Are Lyrics
Lord You Are Lyrics by MAKAYLA MALAKA
Makayla it's time for bed
Let's pray
Lord You are my ABC
I know you LOVE me
And everytime I call
You answer me and talk
Lord You are my ABC
I know you LOVE me
And everytime I call
You answer me and talk
Lord You are my 123
In you my blessings all appear
The real thing in your word
In all the pages of BIBLE
Lord You are my Doremi
The raising for my melody
The rhythm to my song
To you you my life be lost
You are my heartbeat
I'm not gonna try to pretend
That I understand why you there
But I am so prayful that You there
And I love you
Lord You are my Doremi
The raising for my melody
The rhythm to my song
To you you my life be lost
You are my heartbeat
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