Son of Africa Lyrics
Son of Africa Lyrics by KUAMI EUGENE
At long last, the battle has ended
Ghana your beloved country is free forever
Am relying upon your support
So that we can Counquer the world
That when an African is given a chance
He can counquer the world and he is somebody
Iyela so li ma na
Najed ila so li ma na
Iyela so li ma na
Najed ila so li ma na
When the sun shine you shine
When the moon rise you rise
Anyday anytime you're the son of Africa
So do not cry
You're the daughter of the land of milk and gold
It is time to reveal stories untold
And now Africa will unfold
We're the son's of Africa
And we don't cry
So voice out do not pretend you're okay
It doesn't matter where you see yourself
Fight hard do not pretend you're alright
It doesn't matter where you see yourself
Iyela so li ma na
Najed ila so li ma na
Iyela so li ma na
Najed ila so li ma na
[Dr Kwame Nkurumah]
I am the product of Africa and her longer cherished view
In her rebirth that now be realized so that all of her children
May play in the south.
If I have been able to help take our country a few steps
Towards democracy, non-racism and non sexism
It's a product of Africa
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