Empini Lyrics
Empini Lyrics by KELLY KHUMALO
Ng’yathemb’ uyabona
Solefa khon’empini
Ngeke baskhoba
Lingashon’ emini
Ng’yathemb’ uyabona
Solefa khon’empini
Ngeke baskhoba
Lingashon’ emini
Kutheni na, yini udangele?
Konakele amathemba akho
Wonke uwabeka kimi
Awazi na? abant’ abayifuni intw’ enhle
Bayamangaza bak’limaza bak’buk’ emehlweni
Ng’yathemb’ uyabona
Solefa khon’empini
Ngeke baskhoba
Lingashon’ emini
Ng’yathemb’ uyabona
Solefa khon’empini
Ngeke baskhoba
Lingashon’ emini
Abany’ abantu umgosi baphila ngawo
Ubezwe bethi awus’nik’ amagqabantshintshi
Amathemba akho wonke uwabeka kimi
Awazi na? abant’ abayifuni intw’ enhle
Bayamangaza bak’limaza bak’buk’ emehlweni
Ng’yathemb’ uyabona
Solefa khon’empini
Ngeke baskhoba
Lingashon’ emini
Ng’yathemb’ uyabona
Solefa khon’empini
Ngeke baskhoba
Lingashon’ emini
(Uwe iye ye ye, uwe iye)
Mina nawe akekh’ omunye
Ng’yathemb’ uyabona
Solefa khon’empini
Ngeke baskhoba
Lingashon’ emini
Ng’yathemb’ uyabona
Solefa khon’empini
Ngeke baskhoba
Lingashon’ emini
Ng’yathemb’ uyabona
Solefa khon’empini
Ngeke baskhoba
Lingashon’ emini
(Uwe iye ye ye, uwe iye
Uwe iye ye)
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Comments ( 77 )

Am loving this song

I just really love the song, it makes me emotional, & somehow makes me connect to Kelly in a way....ausy Kelly I love you .

this song is amazing..sis Kelly..you are a true definition of a strong women..your strength is on another level..keep shining...some of us we just love u just as u are...God bless you sis

This song has become my favorite. I can really relate to it. I ❤ you Kelly !

An amazing song indeed♥️

Icame for.lyrics here, Md I just found inspiration galore, love the song. Kelly is pure genius

I really eg de sng Cc klly khu may God kpon gvn you mo talent Am n lov wth ths song (ndagwa nayo mchikondi ) Lovely

Ausi Kelly i love all your songs but this one makes me connect with you...love u sister❤

I'm already obsessed with it. your songs are deep sis

You are on another level and I connect with you on this song, MUCH LOVE sis...

Woww ,this song became the top in this year,it is one of my favourite, I love you Kelly since the song made me to think twice

I just came for lyrical content and found out you nailed it both side even before I knew what you ment it had that deep vibe that makes me calm and think deep down ...you nailed it love it kelly

I just came for lyrical content and found out you nailed it both side even before I knew what you ment it had that deep vibe that makes me calm and think deep down ...you nailed it love it kelly

I just came for lyrical content and found out you nailed it both side even before I knew what you ment it had that deep vibe that makes me calm and think deep down ...you nailed it love it kelly

I just came for lyrical content and found out you nailed it both side even before I knew what you ment it had that deep vibe that makes me calm and think deep down ...you nailed it love it kelly

I just came for lyrical content and found out you nailed it both side even before I knew what you ment it had that deep vibe that makes me calm and think deep down ...you nailed it love it kelly

I just came for lyrical content and found out you nailed it both side even before I knew what you ment it had that deep vibe that makes me calm and think deep down ...you nailed it love it kelly

I just came for lyrical content and found out you nailed it both side even before I knew what you ment it had that deep vibe that makes me calm and think deep down ...you nailed it love it kelly

I just came for lyrical content and found out you nailed it both side even before I knew what you ment it had that deep vibe that makes me calm and think deep down ...you nailed it love it kelly

I just came for lyrical content and found out you nailed it both side even before I knew what you ment it had that deep vibe that makes me calm and think deep down ...you nailed it love it kelly

I just came for lyrical content and found out you nailed it both side even before I knew what you ment it had that deep vibe that makes me calm and think deep down ...you nailed it love it kelly

I just came for lyrical content and found out you nailed it both side even before I knew what you ment it had that deep vibe that makes me calm and think deep down ...you nailed it love it kelly

I just came for lyrical content and found out you nailed it both side even before I knew what you ment it had that deep vibe that makes me calm and think deep down ...you nailed it love it kelly

I just came for lyrical content and found out you nailed it both side even before I knew what you ment it had that deep vibe that makes me calm and think deep down ...you nailed it love it kelly

I just came for lyrical content and found out you nailed it both side even before I knew what you ment it had that deep vibe that makes me calm and think deep down ...you nailed it love it kelly

I just came for lyrical content and found out you nailed it both side even before I knew what you ment it had that deep vibe that makes me calm and think deep down ...you nailed it love it kelly

I just came for lyrical content and found out you nailed it both side even before I knew what you ment it had that deep vibe that makes me calm and think deep down ...you nailed it love it kelly

I just came for lyrical content and found out you nailed it both side even before I knew what you ment it had that deep vibe that makes me calm and think deep down ...you nailed it love it kelly

Am from Zimbabwe and i love the song you nailed it Kelly.. it is my ringing tone❤❤❤

I Love the song Kelly.

This song got me so emotional, thank you for the song Kelly.

I love this song❤️

This is a beautiful song with a strong meaning behind it good work

This is a beautiful song with a strong meaning behind it good work

I loved this song the first I listened to it... it just makes me emotional I love it so much..

I really love the song

Such an emotional song Sis Kelly...I can relate Thank u so much

I wish i could give kelly a big hug❤She's powerful

This is a beautiful song Kelly❤

Really love the song its soo emotional..❤kelly beautiful song

Just came from the lyrical side of the song... I love it, quite emotional beats❤️❤️

Everything is perfect, the voice, the song and i love the video... Kelly you are amazing!!

Everything is perfect, the voice, the song and i love the video... Kelly you are amazing!!

On point she goes Kelly what a meaningful song

On point she goes Kelly what a meaningful song

Great song Kelly, keep on shinning mwaah

I love kelly khumalo she s always my best, and this song s again another hit i love it

Beautiful... Sometimes I wish the language barrier gap were smaller... Would've loved to experience the lyrics primary...song just feel so deep...

Wooow so beautiful.

Wow this song is too deep. I loved it before l checked and searched for the English version lyrics. Love you Kelly

The typa songs you connect with asap... From Kenya. And I've been singing the song like it's my language...I love this woman...I sometimes wish I was South African.

I am in love with this song Kelly, it has a deep meaning.......well done superwoman!

Ohoo my God I love this song. Well done

In love with the song I can listen to it the whole day, it has become my favorite, you nailed it... ❤️❤️

What a song Kelly Your the best love you

I love this song. The lyrics and the beating makes feel cool. Funny enough I don't understand the language until I google the meaning of the song. My sister you nailed that song more of it.Remain blessed

Im a Nigerian but this song melt my heart Kelly you are inspiration keep it up one Africa

I really don't know who to thank, is it Kelly or God who created her with this Angelic voice

Indeed we're at war my sister BUT guess what Jehovah uhlelinathi aker!. I wish u well and may GOD grant the peace, happiness we so desperately need. Forward we go, love u sisters.

Great song with a deep meaning. This music is also making a huge impact in my country, Mozambique! God bless you Kelly!

Good song indeed,she never disappoint.

I really like this song it took me 1 day memorize the lyrics by head....l can relate l adore you a lot sis kelly

Was just checking lyrics. Wow!!!! Deep....beautiful song, well done.

Hnmmmmmmm. Flip it anyhow, South African music keeps reminding us that Motherland is richer than anywhere else on earth. This is pure heaven for the soul.

Song captivates, A true Masterpiece. Great work.

Nice piece.talented young lady!

Love this song it reminds me of someone

I fell in love with this song the minute i heard it, even though i didn't know what it meant. After the lyrics everytime i play it takes my mind on a journey that i can't comprehend. Thank you for such a beautiful heart warming song Kelly. ♥️

Amazing, trully beautiful song. May God bless you Kelly. This song touches so many hearts. Wonderful indeed. Kiss

Amazing, trully beautiful song. May God bless you Kelly. This song touches so many hearts. Wonderful indeed. Kiss

Wow! What a beautiful song... I like this song at the the very first time I heard it... Now these these lyrics have made me to understand it more better than b4.. Keep it up Kelly!

I love the song it was lunched last year but it's my ringtone untill now Thank you Kelly Khumalo. I'm really inspired??

I just fell in love with this song the first time I saw it played on Mzansi. I didn't understand the lyrics but the coherence of the voice and the instruments caught my attention. Before it could end I was already humming it. Thank you Kelly keep up the good work.

Your translation is not accurate. It doesn't capture the essence of the song☺️☹️?

Sweet song ,thank you very much I really enjoy the song .

Sweet song ,thank you very much I really enjoy the song .

The translation captures the "essence" for mna, cuz beng'ga qondisi the lang. Kodwa after reading, the song came 2gthr?
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