YCEE Nu Riddim cover image

Paroles de Nu Riddim

Paroles de Nu Riddim Par YCEE

Yeah you know I got vibe you no know?
And I gat a type do you know?
The type you never find in the news
Nice breasts thick thighs you should know
Baby girl I like your position
Lemme hold yuh like Gyptian
And you know say I dey eye your body
Oya make we just dey vibe dey jolly

Omo omo ton be ni
Boseje ni bosemaje ni
Omo ton beri o shima fe mi
Omo ton beri o shima fe mi
Bosemanje ni
Moni omo ton be ni boseje ni bosemaje ni
Omo ton beri o shima fe mi
Omo ton beri o shima fe mi
Bosemanje ni

It's up to you and you
Baby baby no one but you
Baby baby no one but you
Baby baby no one but you

Said it's up to you and you
Baby baby no one but you
Baby baby no one but you
Baby baby no one but you

Oh girl no be today
You know say me I gbadun the way
Ionno why you wan dey form
Why you wan dey act like you no wan fall in love
Oh na na na na na na
Girl you ain't need to ask me for that raba
Girl no need for drama
And you know say I no get wahala
O funmi loyon O ge mi le te
I'll be your daddy gbomo mi meji
You know the story no need to hate me
So baby date me

Moni omo ton be ni boseje ni bosemaje ni
Omo ton beri o shima fe mi
Omo ton beri o shima fe mi
Bosemanje ni
Moni omo ton be ni boseje ni bosemaje ni
Omo ton beri o shima fe mi
Omo ton beri o shima fe mi
Bosemanje ni

It's up to you and you
Baby baby no one but you
Baby baby no one but you
Baby baby no one but you

Said it's up to you and you
Baby baby no one but you
Baby baby no one but you
Baby baby no one but you

Oh girl, no be today
You know say me I gbadun the way
Ionno why you wan dey form
Why you wan dey act like you no wan fall in love
Ain't Nobody Badder than
Why you wan dey act like you no wan fall in love


A Propos de "Nu Riddim"

Album : Love Drunk (EP)
Année de Sortie : 2021
Copyright : (c) 2021
Ajouté par : Huntyr Kelx
Published : Feb 19 , 2021

Plus de lyrics de l'album Love Drunk (EP)

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