WALLY SECK Don't Be Afraid cover image

Paroles de Don't Be Afraid

Paroles de Don't Be Afraid Par WALLY SECK

Sou leer deh tok di dem
Ninkoy khamé ci bideew
Sou deuk deh doh di dem
Ninkoy khamé ci diefin euh
Denou gor dafa wara yatu
Dafa wara wara yatu
Ndah ki djokhé dafa tabé dafa
Mandou motah gniou wara mandou
Non non ndeysan enh ndeysane
Mane naniou togano y’Allah def
 Niou bagnia bokk guis guis
Mane naniou andano y’Allah def
Niou bagnia bokk meun meun
Mane naniou bok yoon y’Allah
Def niou bagnia book yéné
Mane naniou bok khet y’Allah
Deff niou bagnia bok wawa

Denou goor dafa wara yatu
Dafa wara wara yatu
Ndah ki djokhé dafa tabé dafa
Mandou motah gniou wara mandou

Adouna xel la yaye - now be your self
Now be your self
Guemeul sa bop xam ki gua doon ndeysane
I’am now stronght Africa is stronght
Don't be afraid - never be afraid  
That’s right l said

Imanake donomaye obe kontere lela
Imanake famamaye obe kontere lela
Imanake donimaye obe kontere lela
Ajabalo ajabalo

Guemeul sa bop
Ikabido simasindole l"am now stronght
Ikabido simasindole don't be afraid
Ikabido simasindole
l'am from Senegal Ouest Africa
Térangua ligueye niakh
Djarigniou rek lagniou xam
Sama askan ligueye rek laniou guem
Sama yaye Baldé nioune
Ma tété ci yoon bou bakh
Sama askan niakh diarignou lagniou xam

Lalali lalee now be your self
Lalali lalee guemeul sa bop
Lalali lalee l'am now stronght
Lalali lalee don't be afraid
Lalali lalee

Def you melni def you mel ni lila wah
That is right see
Def you melni def you mel ni lila wah
That is right see

Def you melni def you melni lila wah
that is right see
Guemeul sa bop ham kigua don ndeysan
don't be afraid
don't be afraid that right l said


A Propos de "Don't Be Afraid"

Album : Don't Be Afraid (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2019
Ajouté par : Tamsir Diouf
Published : Sep 19 , 2019

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