Paroles de Anita
Paroles de Anita Par THE CAVEMEN
Where is my shoes
Where is my clothes
Pay me my salary, I want to marry
Ah, ah, ahhhhhhah, ah, ah, ah, ah
Where is my shoes?
Where is my clothes?
Pay me my salary, I want to marry
Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah
Where is my shoes
Where is my clothes
Pay me my salary, I want to marry
Ah, ah, ahhhhhhah, ah, ah, ah, ah
Anita eh! you go kill somebody
Anita eh! you go kill e somebody
Anita eh! you go kill e somebody
One two three four! ay!
Where is my shoes?
Where is my clothеs?
Where is my clothes?
Pay mе my sa-
Pay me my salary, I want to marry
Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah
Anita eh! you go kill somebody
Anita eh! you go kill e somebody
Anita eh! you go kill e somebody
Anita eh! you go kill e somebody
Anita eh! you go kill e somebody
Anita eh! you go kill e somebody
You don burst my brain
You don burst my brain
You kill me for here
You don break me brain
Nor kill somebody
You go kill me kill me kill me
A Propos de "Anita"
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