VICTOR AD Realness Over Hype cover image

Paroles de Realness Over Hype


Paroles de Realness Over Hype Par VICTOR AD

Say you dey live no be 'cause you holy pass or you sin

It's by God's grace you take dey do the things wey you do

It's either you're moving something or something is moving you

Choose one

Ladies and gentlemen

So many hit song don go

So many sing, but dem no blow, ehh

Okpolor no be open eye

Na dem dey smoke and na you dey high

This no be shoot bird mama fly

Say your prayers before you die

The same life your living today

Another man reject am my guy

But you nor know oh

For where you take stop

Na there some take start

So no dey buga (Adura oh)

Olorun, let me live the kind of life that I'm meant to live (Adura oh)

No let my name wash away and blow like leave, follow the breeze (I say adura oh)

Olorun, let me live the kind of life that I'm meant to live (Mo gb'adura oh)

No let my name wash away and blow like leave, follow the breeze

It's realness over hype oh

No go pluck e pawpaw wey never ripe

It's realness over hype oh

It's realness over hype oh

It's realness over hype oh, eh eh

It's realness over hype oh

No go pluck e pawpaw wey never ripe

It's realness over hype oh

It's realness over hype oh

Say you dey live no be 'cause you holy pass or you sin

It's by God's grace you take dey do the things wey you do

Say you dey live no be 'cause you holy pass or you sin

It's by God's grace you take dey do the things wey you do


A Propos de "Realness Over Hype"

Album : (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2024
Copyright :
Ajouté par : Farida
Published : Aug 27 , 2024

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