Paroles de Questions
Paroles de Questions Par SHEKHINAH
What happens if we let this start
we go to far and you just don’t feel it
What happens if you drop my heart
If it falls to hard and we just can’t put
It back
Best friends don’t sit this close inside jokes
Spending all this time alone
Best friends don’t call at 2 sometimes they do
But not like me and you
Im a say somethings I might regret pathetic
Is it in my head
Im in the mood ill say it true whatever
I want you but
What happens if we let this start
we go to far and you just don’t feel it
What happens if you drop my heart
If it falls to hard and we just can’t put
It back
Question after question wonder if we moving in
the same direction
What I wanna say might change the complexion
lma do it even though its kind of selfish
I can’t help it
I think its in my head
Im in the mood ill say it true whatever
I want you but
What happens (Oooh regret it )
if we let this start (Ooh am I pathetic )
We go to far and you just don’t feel it
What happens
If you drop my heart ( oooh regret it)
If it falls to hard and we just can’t put
Oooh then I'm pathetic)
It back together
Back to what we had wouldn’t it be sad to end like that
What happens if you drop my heart
if it falls to hard and we just can’t put it back
What happens if we
Let this start, just don’t feel it
What happens if I
Drop your heart, drop your heart
Wouldn’t it be sad to end like that
What happens if you drop my heart
If it falls to hard and we just can’t put it back
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