SIMMY Mabhungu cover image

Paroles de Mabhungu

Paroles de Mabhungu Par SIMMY

From the first day
You had never laid your eyes on something
So beautiful
It was on the next day
You won't sure if I was the one for you
Not so beautiful

Ubunga buza ingane na?
Ubunga buza ingane na?
No, I'm not
So beautiful

Ubunga buza ingane na?
Ubunga buza ingane na?
No, I'm not
So beautiful

Weh, Mabhungu nishela kanjani?
Hayi, weh, Mabhungu nishela kanjan'?
Weh, Mabhungu nishela kanjani?
Hayi, weh, Mabhungu nishela kanjan'?

Weh, Mabhungu nishela kanjani?
Hayi, weh, Mabhungu nishela kanjan'?
Weh, Mabhungu nishela kanjani?
Hayi, weh, Mabhungu nishela kanjan'?

From the first day
You had never laid your eyes on something
So beautiful
It was on the next day
You won't sure if I was the one for you
Not so beautiful

Ubunga buza ingane na?
Ubunga buza ingane na?
No, I'm not
So beautiful

Ubunga buza ingane na?
Ubunga buza ingane na?
No, I'm not
So beautiful

Weh, Mabhungu nishela kanjani?
Hayi, weh, Mabhungu nishela kanjan'?
Weh, Mabhungu nishela kanjani?
Hayi, weh, Mabhungu nishela kanjan'?

Weh, Mabhungu nishela kanjani?
Hayi, weh, Mabhungu nishela kanjan'?
Weh, Mabhungu nishela kanjani?
Hayi, weh, Mabhungu nishela kanjan'?


A Propos de "Mabhungu"

Album : Tugela Fairy (Made Of Stars ) (Album)
Année de Sortie : 2020
Copyright : (c) 2020
Ajouté par : Huntyr Kelx
Published : Nov 13 , 2020

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