SAUTI SOL Sober cover image

Paroles de Sober

Paroles de Sober Par SAUTI SOL

When I get sober
I'll get my act together
I will put my life in order
No longer be a victim

Of the devil on my shoulder
Lord knows I've been lost for way too long
I'm getting older
Na muda unayoyoma aisee

Niko maji niko maji
Niko maji, niko maji
Niko maji niko maji
Niko maji, niko maji

I'll call my mama (Call mama)
And tell her that I'm sorry 
For the lies and pain I caused her

And tell her that I never meant 
To turn out like my father
Lord knows that she's cried 
Too many tears for all my drama
Naomba unisamehe mathe

Niko maji niko maji
Niko maji, niko maji
Niko maji niko maji
Niko maji, niko maji

I call my daughter
And listen to the stories 
Of a guy that she called father
I hope I get the courage 

To say sorry to her mother
Lord knows that she tried 
To make it work I pray the karma
The karma will be easy on me

Niko maji niko maji
Niko maji, niko maji
Niko maji niko maji
Niko maji, niko maji

When I get sober
I'll look for all my friends and make amends
Drink more water
Find somebody new to love again

Feels like it's over
But Lord knows that I need another chance
To start all over
Na Misiri sirudi kamwe

When I get sober
I'll get my act together
I will put my life in order
No longer be a victim

Of the devil on my shoulder
Lord knows I've been lost for way too long
I'm getting older
Na muda unayoyoma aisee

Niko maji niko maji
Niko maji, niko maji
Niko maji niko maji
Niko maji, niko maji


A Propos de "Sober"

Album : Midnight Train/ Sober (Album)
Année de Sortie : 2020
Copyright : (c) 2020 Sol Generation.
Ajouté par : Huntyr Kelx
Published : Jun 05 , 2020

Plus de lyrics de l'album Midnight Train

Plus de Lyrics de SAUTI SOL


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