REBEKAH DAWN This Chosen Road cover image

Paroles de This Chosen Road

Paroles de This Chosen Road Par REBEKAH DAWN

I hear Your voice calling me to follow where You lead
But sometimes surrender is harder than it seems
If I could know where this would end
Maybe then I’d take your hand
Can I learn to walk by faith with You?
Can I follow and surrender
To this path You lead me on?
Can I trust You even though
This road is hard and long?
Can I let go?
Can I let You be God?
Can I walk this narrow road?

I hear the call of yesterday
And the shame of all that’s been
But sometimes tomorrow is echoing within
Can I leave the past behind
And trust You one more time?
And be embarrassed by arms of grace
That reach for me?
Can I follow and surrender
To this path You lead me on?
Can I trust You even though
This road is hard and long?
Can I let go?
Can I let You be God?
Can I walk this narrow road?

I hear the song of Heaven singing over me
And yet I’ll fully never understand
This love that rescues me
It doesn’t matter where it ends
I will surrender to Your plans
I’ve got to learn to walk by faith with You
So I’ll follow and surrender
To this path You lead me on
I trust You even though
This road is hard and long
And I will let go
I’ll let You be God
And I’ll walk this narrow road
I will walk this chosen road


A Propos de "This Chosen Road"

Album : This Chosen Road (Album)
Année de Sortie : 2022
Copyright : © 2023 Rebekah Dawn Music
Ajouté par : Farida
Published : Jun 17 , 2023

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