Paroles de You Par PRINCE KAYBEE

Baby, Baby, Baby, Baby
Baby, Baby, Baby, Baby

What will they tell us?
What will they say?
What do they want is, is it okay
And now these fellas (They)
They come my way (They)
They want me to stay and I cannot relate

Just a little bit, just a taste
Swear your heart in me, life’s a game
Just a little bit, just a taste
When things feel this great, true love is a game

Baby, Baby, Baby, Baby
Baby, Baby, Baby, Baby
Baby, Baby, Baby, Baby
Baby, Baby, Baby, Baby
You, what you do
Take one for the price of two
My body don’t mean much to you
What you do
Take one for the price of two
My body don’t mean much to you

What you invest in baby, is your defence
Hear all these whispers and rumours baby
In case some point you want what you can get
I’m a treasure baby come hunt in me

What you invest in baby, is your defence
Hear all these whispers and rumours baby
In case some point you want what you can get
I’m a treasure baby come hunt in me

You! What you do
Take one for the price of two
My body don’t mean much to you
What you do
Take one for the price of two
My body don’t mean much to you

You! What you do
Take one for the price of two
My body don’t mean much to you
What you do
Take one for the price of two
My body don’t mean much to you

You! What you do
Take one for the price of two
My body don’t mean much to you
What you do
Take one for the price of two
My body don’t mean much to you


A Propos de "You"

Album : The 4th Republic (Album)
Année de Sortie : 2021
Copyright : (c) 2021
Ajouté par : Huntyr Kelx
Published : Mar 05 , 2021

Plus de lyrics de l'album The 4th Republic

Plus de Lyrics de PRINCE KAYBEE


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