Paroles de Ebabayo Par PRINCE KAYBEE

Aw slphethe intombi ebabayo
Sphethe ukudla ok’babayo
Sphushlingom ebabayo webaba
Aw s’phethe intombi ebabayo

Sphethe ukudla ok’babayo
Sphushlingom ebabayo webaba
Aw slphethe intombi ebabayo
Sphethe ukudla ok’babayo

Sphush’ingom ebabayo webaba
Aw s’phethe intombi ebabayo
Sphethe ukudla ok’babayo
Sphushlingom ebabayo webaba
Nyawo zami ngithwale ngihambe lendlela
Thembe wena ungithwale ngihambe lendlela wo
Nyawo zami ngithwale ngihambe lendlela
Thembe wena ungithwale ngihambe lendlela wo

Oh, ebabayo
Oh, ebabayo
Oh, ebabayo
Oh, ebabayo

Oh, ebabayo wehbaba
Oh, ebabayo wehbaba
Oh, ebabayo wehbaba
Oh, ebabayo wehbaba
Oh Yiza mawusldinga

Woza uzoslthola
Yiza mawus’dinga
Woza uzos’thola
Oh Yiza mawusldinga
Woza uzoslthola

Aw s’phethe intombi ebabayo
Sphethe ukudla ok’babayo
Sphushlingom ebabayo webaba
Aw slphethe intombi ebabayo

Sphethe ukudla ok’babayo
Sphush’ingom ebabayo webaba
Aw s’phethe intombi ebabayo
Sphethe ukudla okbabayo

Sphushlingom ebabayo webaba
Aw s’phethe intombi ebabayo
Sphethe ukudla ok’babayo
Sphush’ingom ebabayo webaba

Oh, ebabayo wehbaba
Oh, ebabayo wehbaba
Oh, ebabayo wehbaba
Oh, ebabayo wehbaba


A Propos de "Ebabayo "

Album : The 4th Republic (Album)
Année de Sortie : 2021
Copyright : (c) 2021
Ajouté par : Huntyr Kelx
Published : Feb 16 , 2021

Plus de lyrics de l'album The 4th Republic

Plus de Lyrics de PRINCE KAYBEE


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