OSINACHI NWACHUKWU God Of All Power cover image

Paroles de God Of All Power

Paroles de God Of All Power Par OSINACHI NWACHUKWU

Ikem o, ikem o
Ezem’o, ezem’o
You are the God of power
Ikem o, ikem o
Ikem o, ikem o
Ezem’o, ezem’o
You are the God of power
Ikem o, ikem o

You do unimaginable things
You’re indescribable God
You are the God of power
Ikem o, ikem o
You declare the end from beginning
And from the ancient time
The things that are not yet done
You are the God of power
Ikem o, ikem o
You raise the dead by your power
You heal by your power
You deliver by your power
Ikem o, ikem o
You formed a baby without a womb
You divided the red sea by the breathe of your nostril
You are the God of power
Ikem o, ikem o

You never never know defeat
How can I describe you Jehovah
Divinity becomes humanity
Ibu amama amacha amacha
You are the God of power
Ikem o, ikem o

Obugi bu eze’ndi eze
Okenmiri nke nebu ogwe
Ugwu anari natu egwu
Ikem o, ikem o
Obi ebere gi jurum aru
Ihe ineme n’okariri akari
Ogbara nkiti okwubiri nonu ya
Obugi bu okenmiri nke nebu ogwe
Obugi bu ugwu anari natu egwu
Ebube dike, agah’eri agha’eri
Olugbue olugbue
Mmuo ka mmuo, mmuo ka mmuo
You are the God of power
You are the God of power
You are the God of power
Ikem o, ikem o
Ikem o, ikem o
Ikem o, umeh’mo
You are the God of power
Ikem o, ikem o
Ikem o, ikem o
Ikem o, umeh’mo
You are the song that I sing
Ikem o, ikem o

Ikem o, ikem o
Umeh’mo ndum’di
Oweghi onyem geji turu gi
Ikem o, ikem o
Ikem o, ikem o
Ezem’o, ezem’o
Anam etugi nnam ukwu
Ikem o, ikem o
Obu nebe ino kam tukwasiri obi
Obugi bu ihe’mbu tata chim ee
You are the God of power
Ikem o, ikem o


A Propos de "God Of All Power"

Album : God Of All Power (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2022
Ajouté par : Farida
Published : Apr 05 , 2022



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