YOUNG STONG So Good cover image

Paroles de So Good

Paroles de So Good Par YOUNG STONG

Ijai on this one

You are so good all the time
You are so good forever more
You are so good all the time
You are so good forever more
You change my life you are so good
King of kings you are so good
You change my life you are so good
You are so good all the time

You are so good you are so good you are so good you are so good
You are so good you are so good you are so good all the time

I will worship your name praise your name
Give you glory all the time
I will praise your name
You are so good I will praise your name
You are so good you are so good all the time

You are so good you are so good you are so good you are so good
You are so good you are so good you are so good all the time
You are so good you are so good you are so good you are so good
You are so good you are so good you are so good all the time

You are so good lord
Lord everyday you are doing miracle
You are so good all the time


A Propos de "So Good"

Album : So Good (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2021
Ajouté par : Young Stong
Published : Nov 02 , 2021

Plus de Lyrics de YOUNG STONG


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