OLAMIDE Need For Speed cover image

Paroles de Need For Speed

Paroles de Need For Speed Par OLAMIDE

Hustle gat me high steady grinding for the dough
Destination far, time is flying no be small
People worship money but we pray to God, no be so
Tryna chase my dreams, Lagos traffic make it slow

Oh okay, they say life is a game
So man gats play but all the rules I disobeyed
Mercedes Benz splash dirty water for my face 
Inna mi ghetto one day
I saw myself speeding 
And I did the same thing for Lagos island one day
Charlie what a wrong day

Hustle gat me high steady grinding for the dough
Destination far, time is flying no be small
People worship money but we pray to God, no be so
Tryna chase my dreams, Lagos traffic make it slow
Hustle gat me high steady grinding for the dough
Destination far, time is flying no be small
People worship money but we pray to God, no be so
Tryna chase my dreams, Lagos traffic make it slow

Why do we have to go?
Why do we have to come?
Why do we have to rush?
Why do we have to run?
But I found myself speeding
Doing 120 on Lekki-Epe one day
No traffic on a Sunday

Hustle gat me high steady grinding for the dough
Destination far, time is flying no be small
People worship money but we pray to God, no be so
Tryna chase my dreams, Lagos traffic make it slow

Hustle gat me high steady grinding for the dough
Destination far, time is flying no be small
People worship money but we pray to God, no be so
Tryna chase my dreams, Lagos traffic make it slow


A Propos de "Need For Speed"

Album : UY Scuti (Album)
Année de Sortie : 2021
Copyright : (c) 2021
Ajouté par : Huntyr Kelx
Published : Jun 18 , 2021

Plus de lyrics de l'album UY Scuti

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