MAKAYLA MALAKA The 2020 Trees cover image

Paroles de The 2020 Trees

Paroles de The 2020 Trees Par MAKAYLA MALAKA

A woodcutter came into town
An axe in a bag that he held in his hand
With just one swing he could fell a tree
And that’s the story written in the sand

The forest was filled with fear
All the trees would shiver
As the axe drew near
Some stood tall though struck refused to fall
But many trees fell to the ground
Many trees fell to the ground

Many trees fell to the ground 
As the trees fell to the ground
Those still standing will say
We’ll join you some day 
As the trees fell to the ground


So they cried to the lord of the trees saying 
Please get the woodcutter to stop
They cried to the Lord of the trees 
Saying please pray the woodcutter to stay his axe
We’re tired of dying

If we wear a mask will he see us
If we wash our hands will he get our scent
Oh why is he still here
No matter how we try still

Many trees fell to the ground
As the trees fell to the ground
Those still standing will say
We’ll join you some day
As the trees fell to the ground

Many trees fell to the ground
As the trees fell to the ground
Those still standing will say
We’ll join you some day
As the trees fell to the ground

A wood cutter came into town
An axe in a bag that he held in his hand
With just one swing he could fell a tree
And many trees fell to the ground


A Propos de "The 2020 Trees"

Album : The 2020 Trees (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2020
Copyright : (c) 2020
Ajouté par : Huntyr Kelx
Published : Oct 07 , 2020

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