MAKAYLA MALAKA Don't Give Up cover image

Paroles de Don't Give Up

Paroles de Don't Give Up Par MAKAYLA MALAKA

Mi doh doh doh doh ti
Re re re mi la doh doh doh doh re doh
Mi doh doh doh doh ti
Re re re mi la doh doh doh doh re doh

If you don't give up on me
Then you can be sure I won't give up on you
If you don't give up on me
Then you can be sure I won't give up on you

When I wake up in the morning
I believe everything will be fine
In the end life is a journey
You only make it if you try
Whenever I'm feeling weary
I just look into my mirror and say
No matter what girl I got your back ay
And I say

If you don't give up on me
Then you can be sure I won't give up on you
If you don't give up on me
Then you can be sure I won't give up on you
If you don't give up on me
Then you can be sure I won't give up on you
If you don't give up on me
Then you can be sure I won't give up on you

If you don't give up on me 
eh eh eh eh ehhh
Then I won't give up on you
no no no no no no no
H'ear me now

I am eight years old going on a nine ah
Done many things that people older should be proud of
Yet somma dem a come and h'ate me on my timeline
But I know my happiness does not depend on man dem
Some say they wanna play
But really all they wanna do is come and put a girl down
I say let them play
But don't let them get to you, you must never mind them
Just tell yourself

If you don't give up on me
Then you can be sure I won't give up on you 
(La la la la la don't give up)
If you don't give up on me
Then you can be sure I won't give up on you 
(La la la la la don't give up)
If you don't give up on me
Then you can be sure I won't give up on you 
(La la la la la don't give up)
If you don't give up on me
Then you can be sure I won't give up on you 
(La la la la la don't give up)

Work hard trust God and every-thing will be alright 
(La la la la la don't give up)
Work hard trust God and every-thing will be alright 
(La la la la la don't give up)
Just work hard trust God and every-thing will be alright 
(La la la la la don't give up)
Just work hard trust God and every-thing 
Will be all - Righteous


A Propos de "Don't Give Up"

Album : Don't Give Up (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2021
Copyright : (c) 2021
Ajouté par : Huntyr Kelx
Published : Feb 03 , 2021

Plus de Lyrics de MAKAYLA MALAKA


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