MAKAYLA MALAKA Star cover image

Paroles de Star

Paroles de Star Par MAKAYLA MALAKA

It's Makayla-a-a

Wherever you go
Wherever you are

Don't let no one tell you who you're meant to be (Pa pa pa ooh pa pa pa ooh)
You can only be you and I can only be me (Pa pa pa ooh pa pa pa ooh)
Even if it don't always feel right (Pa pa pa ooh pa pa pa ooh)
Don't worry it will be alright (Alright, alright)
Don't give up what makes you who you are
Cos you're different you're beautiful and you're a star

Wherever you go
Wherever you are
Nobody can ever take the place of who you are

No they can't no they can't no they can't no no
No they can't no they can't no they can't no no
No they can no they can't no they can't no no no!

You're exactly who God made you to be (Pa pa pa ooh pa pa pa ooh)
When I look at you it's his image I see (Pa pa pa ooh pa pa pa ooh)
He knows what he put inside, put inside of you
And you can be sure that he will bring it to life
Ooh yeah (Yeah, yeah)
Don't give up what makes you who you are
Cos you're different you're beautiful and you're a star

Wherever you go
Wherever you are
Nobody can ever take the place
Of who you are

Wherever you go
Wherever you are
Nobody can ever take the place
Of who you are

No they can't no they can't no they can't no no
No they can't no they can't no they can't no no
No they can't no they can't no they can't no no
No they can't no they can't no they can't no no

No they can't no they can't no they can't no no
No they can't no they can't no they can't no no
No they can't no they can't no they can't no no
No they can't no they can't no they can't no no



A Propos de "Star"

Album : Eight (Album)
Année de Sortie : 2020
Copyright : (c) 2021
Ajouté par : Huntyr Kelx
Published : Feb 02 , 2021

Plus de lyrics de l'album Eight

Plus de Lyrics de MAKAYLA MALAKA


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