JOEBOY Focus  cover image

Paroles de Focus

Paroles de Focus Par JOEBOY

Oo no no ye ye ye
Focus, sey me I dey try focus
Girl na you dey scatter my thinking 
Oh and I no dey know wassup
Sey you for let me know wetin dey your mind
And I go let you know wetin dey mind
So we fit both know
Wetin we dey find
Straight to the point make we no waste our time
Sey you no need to dey buga
You no need to dey form
And you only need to let me know
If I’m the one you want
Sey you no need to dey buga no no
You no need to dey form
And you only need to let me know
If I’m the one you want
Tori moti
Moti moti moti moti moti
Moti shayo
You driving me crazy
I’m feeling so lazy
Tori moti moti moti
Moti moti moti moti baby
You driving me crazy
I’m feeling so lazy yeah
To like person no be crime
And if you like person show your sign
I know sey I be player those times
Oh no
So you for let me know wetin dey your mind
And I go let you know wetin dey mind
So we fit both know
Wetin we dey find
Straight to the point make we no waste our time
Sey you no need to dey buga
You no need to dey form
And you only need to let me know
If I’m the one you want
Sey you no need to dey buga no no
You no need to dey form
And you only need to let me know
If I’m the one you want
Tori moti
Moti moti moti moti moti
Moti shayo
You driving me crazy
I’m feeling so lazy
Tori moti
Moti moti moti moti moti
Moti baby
You driving me crazy
I’m feeling so lazy ye
To like person no be crime
Sey you for let me know wetin dey your mind
And I go let you know wetin dey my mind
Wetin we dey find
Straight to the point make we no waste our time


A Propos de "Focus "

Album : Somewhere Between Beauty & Magic (Album)
Année de Sortie : 2021
Copyright : (c) 2021Banku Music/emPawa Africa.
Ajouté par : Huntyr Kelx
Published : Feb 04 , 2021

Plus de lyrics de l'album Somewhere Between Beauty & Magic

Plus de Lyrics de JOEBOY


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