Paroles de Alpha
Paroles de Alpha Par JESSICA HONORE
(Still Alive)
Alfa Omega
You are worthy of my praise
Alfa Omega
You are worthy of my praise
The beginning and the end, King of Glory
You are worthy of my praise
The everlasting father, My God
You are worthy of my praise
(Sing Alfa)
Alfa Omega You are worthy of my praise
Alfa Omega You are worthy of my praise
Alfa Omega You are worthy of my praise
Alfa Omega You are worthy of my praise
I lift my hands to you
You are worthy of my praise
I bow to worship you
You are worthy of my praise
I lift my hands to you
You are worthy of my praise
I bow to worship you
You are worthy of my praise
Alfa Omega You are worthy of my praise
Alfa Omega You are worthy of my praise
Alfa Omega You are worthy of my praise
Alfa Omega You are worthy of my praise
A Propos de "Alpha "
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