GUARDIAN ANGEL You are Worthy cover image

Paroles de You are Worthy

Paroles de You are Worthy Par GUARDIAN ANGEL

Guardian Angel - You are Worthy lyrics

Ooooh oooh ooh
You are worthy oooh

You are worthy to receive all the glory 
You are worthy to receive all the glory 
You are the King of Kings
Lords of Lords, Lion of Judah
You are worthy to receive all the glory 

You are worthy to receive all the glory 
You are worthy to receive all the glory 
You are the King of Kings
The Lords of Lords, Lion of Judah
You are worthy to receive all the glory 

Jesus you are worthy to receive all the glory 
You are worthy to receive all the glory 
You are the King of Kings
Lords of Lords, Lion of Judah
You are worthy to receive all the glory 

You are worthy to receive all the glory 
You are worthy to receive all the glory 
You are the King of Kings
Lords of Lords, Lion of Judah
You are worthy to receive all the glory

Wastahili kupokea utukufu
Wastahili kupokea utukufu
Wewe ni Mungu, wewe ni mfalme
Wewe ni Simba wa Yudah
Wastahili kupokea utukufu

Wastahili kupokea utukufu
Wastahili kupokea utukufu
Wewe ni Mungu, wewe ni mfalme
Wewe ni Simba wa Yudah
Unastahili kupokea utukufu

Wastahili kupokea utukufu
Wastahili kupokea utukufu
Wewe ni Mungu, wewe ni mfalme
Wewe ni Simba wa Yudah
Wastahili kupokea utukufu

Sema Bwana wastahili

Wastahili kupokea utukufu
Wastahili kupokea utukufu
Wewe ni Mungu, wewe ni mfalme
Wewe ni Simba wa Yudah
Wastahili kupokea utukufu


A Propos de "You are Worthy"

Album : You are Worthy (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2020
Copyright : (c) 2020
Ajouté par : Huntyr Kelx
Published : Jan 03 , 2020

Plus de Lyrics de GUARDIAN ANGEL


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