CHEQUE Rockstar  cover image

Paroles de Rockstar

Paroles de Rockstar Par CHEQUE

I remember everyday when my life was insane
And I've been fucking with this shit longtime
And I had to overcome
Man I had to overcome
I've been on this shit long time

I'm a fucking rockstar so don't treat me like I'm nothing
And I've been fucking with this shit longtime
And I had to overcome
Man I had to overcome
I've been on this shit long time

Day passing, night passing and a nigga losing hope
Cuz I'm struggling people wey say dey love me don leave me go
I'm a recky baller, all these people cameo
But I went out of my way now I'm going way up

I've been hustling all my life 
And I ain't never letting go
I know where I'm coming from
I'm never getting comfortable

Fake niggas are vultures
They gon tryna chop your eye but I took all the pain in
It's coming to the superboy I know
Give them away, away o
I've had enough, enough

I remember everyday when my life was insane
And I've been fucking with this shit longtime
And I had to overcome
Man I had to overcome
I've been on this shit long time

I'm a fucking rockstar so don't treat me like I'm nothing
And I've been fucking with this shit longtime
And I had to overcome
Man I had to overcome
I've been on this shit long time

Why you tryna lie to my eyes, you think I'm foolish
Why you say you love me when you don't, you think I'm stupid
Mind your type of problems, ones that come with money
Please stop acting, you came for the money yeah

I know they trying so hard
They tryna bring me down because of jealousy
My nigga strive if you wan try me
Óya show me who wan be si mi
Give them away, away yeah
I've had enough, enough

I remember everyday when my life was insane
And I've been fucking with this shit longtime
And I had to overcome
Man I had to overcome
I've been on this shit long time

I'm a fucking rockstar so don't treat me like I'm nothing
And I've been fucking with this shit longtime
And I had to overcome
Man I had to overcome
I've been on this shit long time


A Propos de "Rockstar "

Album : Bravo (Album)
Année de Sortie : 2021
Copyright : (c) 2021
Ajouté par : Huntyr Kelx
Published : Sep 23 , 2021

Plus de lyrics de l'album Bravo

Plus de Lyrics de CHEQUE


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