BLACK COFFEE  Wish You Were Here  cover image

Paroles de Wish You Were Here

Paroles de Wish You Were Here Par BLACK COFFEE

The tags on the city walls, the color, the fight
Ambition so tall, remind me of you
The frost in the morning, the steel birds in flight
The reluctant dawn reminds me of you

You hold your cards so close to your chest
That I give up the question no more
I let you unfold, I wanted to write you a letter or two
But the words wouldn't stay on the page
Oh, cling to an age

Oh, Oh-oh-oh
Oh, Oh, ba-um, oh
(I wish you were here)
(Wish you were here)
(Wish you were here)
(I wish you were here)

(Wish you were here)
(Wish you were here)
(Oh, I wish you were here)
(Wish you were here)
(Wish you were here)

The first storm of springtime, a season so new
I will think of you, I will hope for you
The risk in your continents, the sun in your eyes
Well, I dream of you, my dreams are of you
If art is the question that made us look twice
At all that is building inside, what would you say?

Oh, Oh-oh-oh
Oh, Oh-oh-oh
Oh, Oh-oh-oh
Oh, Oh-oh-oh

Wish you were here
Wish you were here
I wish you were here with me
Wish you were here
Wish you were here, wish you were here
Oh-ho, Yo-oh
Mm, see this moment, let it


A Propos de "Wish You Were Here "

Album : Subconsciously (Album)
Année de Sortie : 2021
Copyright : (c) 2021
Ajouté par : Huntyr Kelx
Published : Mar 17 , 2021

Plus de lyrics de l'album Subconsciously

Plus de Lyrics de BLACK COFFEE


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