BLACK COFFEE  I'm Falling cover image

Paroles de I'm Falling

Paroles de I'm Falling Par BLACK COFFEE

Come let it fall to pieces
I'm waiting, watch me unfold
I'm earning the weightless
Add it all to the ocean, to come undone
We're breaking open
Let it turn to the sun

I'm fallin', I'm fallin'
I'm fallin', I'm fallin'
I'm fallin', I'm fallin'
I'm fallin', I'm fallin'

I'm fallin', I'm fallin'
I'm fallin', I'm fallin'
I'm fallin', I'm fallin'
I'm fallin', I'm fallin'
I'm fallin', I'm fallin'

A pool in your mind
The love that we made here
Gravity tides
The softness we laid in

Add it all
To the ocean
To come undone
We break it open
Let it turn
To the sun

I'm fallin', I'm fallin'
I'm fallin', I'm fallin'
I'm fallin', I'm fallin'
I'm fallin', I'm fallin'
I'm fallin', I'm fallin'
I'm fallin', I'm fallin'

I'm fallin', I'm fallin'
I'm fallin', I'm fallin'
I'm fallin', I'm fallin'
I'm fallin', I'm fallin'
I'm fallin', I'm fallin'
I'm fallin', I'm fallin'
I'm fallin', I'm fallin'

I'm fallin', I'm fallin', I'm fallin', I'm fallin'
I'm fallin', I'm fallin' (Lead my body, lead my body)
I'm fallin', I'm fallin' (Lead my body, lead my body)
I'm fallin', I'm fallin' (Lead my body, lead my body to the sea)
I'm fallin', I'm fallin' (Lead my body, lead my body)
I'm fallin', I'm fallin', I'm fallin', I'm fallin'

Add it all
To the ocean
Come undone
I'm fallin', I'm fallin'

Break it open
Let it turn
To the sun
I'm fallin', I'm fallin'

I'm fallin', I'm fallin'
I'm fallin', I'm fallin'
I'm fallin', I'm fallin' (Falling for you)
I'm fallin', I'm fallin'
I'm fallin', I'm fallin'


A Propos de "I'm Falling"

Album : Subconsciously (Album)
Année de Sortie : 2021
Copyright : (c) 2021
Ajouté par : Huntyr Kelx
Published : Mar 17 , 2021

Plus de lyrics de l'album Subconsciously

Plus de Lyrics de BLACK COFFEE


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