2BABA Important  cover image

Paroles de Important

Paroles de Important Par 2BABA

Nka hale leche
Kelewo keledro
Ika tunabah
Nege meje tunowo

Nka hale leche
Kelewo keledrop
Ika tunabah
Nege meje tunowo
Yeah hmm

Stop that shii
No dey come they do like fly
No  they chop your shii
At the same time my guy gbe bodi e
No they le, no they fear
No they be like ole
Let them know
All my guys are ballers
All my guys none of them be hand fallers
All of them na sharp callers
And na the way wey i want make you show be that
Because ei no matter where you come from
(ei no matter where you come from)
E no matter who you be
(ei no matter who you be )
As long as your brain they function
Waity  go be must to be

Even nyash  dey  important
My guy be careful make them no photoshop greener pastures for you
Even nyash they important
Be careful because if you no use person, person go use you
Even nyash dey important
My guy be careful make them no photoshop greener pastures for you
Even nyash dey   important
Be careful because if you no use person , person go use you

Nka hale leche
Kelewo keledro
Ika tunabah
Nege meje kenemo

Nka hale leche
Kelewo keledrop
Ika tunabah
Nege meje kenemuo

Politican moving sha
I no matter but i see you want to buy me sha
Election don they come you don dey toast me sha
I no they came  but right now you want to calm me sha
You go dey your corner feeling alright
You no tell them say e dark but then go want to sell you light
The minute wey you buy am you don sell your human right
Them go call you bush man just to thief your birth right

Na who put night no go make  you see the light
Appreciate humble beginning, check your tp before you ride
The way you are moving
You are moving alright
Don’t let them deceive you to join their path
Because ei no matter where you come from
E no matter who you be
As long as your brain they function
Waity go be must to be

Even nyash they important
My guy be careful make them no photoshop greener pastures for you
Even nyash  they important
Be careful because if you no use person, person go use you
Even nyash dey important
My guy be careful make them no photoshop greener pastures for you
Even nyash they important
Be careful because if you use person , person go use you

N ka hale eleche
Kelewo keledro
Nka tunabah
Nege meje kenemo

Ika hale eleche
Kelemuo keledrop
Ika tunabah
Nege meje kenemo

People make the world go round
People make the world go round
Yaaah ya ah yaah


A Propos de "Important "

Album : Important (Single)
Année de Sortie : 2019
Ajouté par : Preslie Nzobou
Published : Nov 18 , 2019

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