JOEL LWAGA Specialist cover image

Specialist Lyrics

Specialist Lyrics by JOEL LWAGA

What no man can do, that is what you do
What no man can do, that's where you specialise
What no man can do, that is what you do
What no man can do, that's where you specialise

What no man can do, that is what you do
What no man can do, that's where you specialise
What no man can do, that is what you do
What no man can do, that's where you specialise

Sickness that cannot be treated, that is what you do
Dreams that cannot be achieved, you make the dream come true
Marriage that cannot be fixed, that is what you fix
Business that cannot make profit, you turn them into wealth

You do your things, in so mysterious way
You are the God of impossibities
That's where you specialise
When the whole world fail
Everything that is under the sun
That is when and come up and show
That you are unfailing God

What no man can do, that is what you do
What no man can do, that's where you specialise
What no man can do, that is what you do
What no man can do, that's where you specialise

What no man can do, that is what you do
What no man can do, that's where you specialise
What no man can do, that is what you do
What no man can do, that's where you specialise

Ooooh, you are unfailing God 
That's where you specialise
Ooooh, you are unfailing God 
That's where you specialise

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About Specialist

Album : Trust (EP)
Release Year : 2021
Copyright : (c) 2021
Added By : Huntyr Kelx
Published : Sep 17 , 2021

More lyrics from Trust (EP) album

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